Hi, I'm Brenna!
Full-Stack Dev (remote) | Petter of Animals | Destroyer of Cheeses

What I've Been up to...

Software Engineer at Rstudio Nov '17 - present

  • Collaborating on new product features, identifying and addressing tech debt, implementing design on both the server and client side and writing tests for new and updated functionality.
  • Dipping my toes in product management.
  • Fun with Go, Javascript, Angular, Vue and Selenium.

Software Engineer at Amazon May '16 - Sept '17

  • Built new features for and maintained internal resource permissions platform for over 1 million resources.
  • Wrote end to end integration tests and unit tests for new and existing code.
  • Pitched our service to potential customers and assisted them in onboarding.
  • Designed, executed tasks and beta launched a new Amazon Web Service.
  • Fun with Java, Ruby on Rails, RSpec, JUnit, Javascript and Angular.

Software Engineer Intern at Redfin Nov '15 - Apr '16

  • Developed a Java library that runs a visual comparison between production and test environments saving countless hours of manual testing.
  • Added the ability to toggle and manipulate feature access from within the affected page, cutting task completion time in half.
  • Fun with Java, Selenium and Javascript.